
You’ve recently received StackOne access and want to initiate your first call using our . As an introduction to the StackOne Unified API, you’ve tested account connection through the StackOne Dashboard.

Now, you want to integrate a specific provider into your existing application and test the integration. In this guide, you will learn how to:


  1. API Key created in StackOne Dashboard and copied to a secure location

  2. Required provider integration enabled

  3. Account linked successfully

  4. (Optional) Use an SDK or Postman

Getting Account ID

  1. Specify the request type, URL, and API Key in the Authorization section (append to the header). example:
   curl --request GET
        --url https://api.stackone.com/accounts
        --header 'accept: application/json'
        --header 'authorization: Basic your_api_key'
  1. To filter results by a specific provider account (e.g., Greenhouse), define the provider parameter:– provider=greenhouseprovider=hubspotprovider=bamboohr

  2. From the /accounts API call response, copy the id value.

ATS: List Applications in Greenhouse

  1. Specify the List Applications URL and header details:– https://api.stackone.com/unified/ats/applicationsx-account-id:<id_from_Accounts_call>


    Authorization header remains the same

  2. The response will contain a collection of existing applications with crucial data including:– Application ID– Candidate ID– Job ID– Location ID– Status– Created and Updated timestamps

  3. (Optional) Use the data from the previous step to create new applications by making POST requests via the API.

CRM: Get Contact in HubSpot

  1. Specify the List Contacts URL and header details:– https://api.stackone.com/unified/crm/contacts/x-account-id:<id_from_Accounts_call>

  2. Select the required contact from the contacts collection and copy its ID.

  3. Include the ID in the URL path.

  4. The response will contain all available data for the specified contact, including:– First Name, Last Name– Company Name– Email(s)– Phone Number(s)– Associated Account ID– Created and Updated timestamps

HRIS: Create Employee in BambooHR

  1. Specify the List Employees URL and header details to see a sample employee array:– https://api.stackone.com/unified/hris/employeesx-account-id:<id_from_Accounts_call>

  2. In a separate tab, open a POST method request with the same URL, Authorization, and x-account-id header.

  3. Specify employee details in the request body, for example:

  "first_name": "John",
  "last_name": "Doe",
  "name": "John Doe",
  "display_name": "Dr. John Doe",
  "work_email": "john@stackone.com",
  "job_title": "Consultant",
  "gender": {
    "value": "male"
  "ethnicity": {
    "value": "white"
  "marital_status": {
    "value": "single"
  "employment_type": {
    "value": "full_time"
  "employment_contract_type": {
    "value": "full_time"
  "employment_status": {
    "value": "active"
  "home_location": {
    "country": {
      "value": "AF"
    "state": {
      "value": "AD-07"
  "work_location": {
    "country": {
      "value": "AF"
    "state": {
      "value": "AD-07"
  1. Upon successful creation, you’ll receive a 🟢 201 Status Code with the message “Record created successfully” and its timestamp.

  2. (Optional) To verify the record creation, modify the GET request from step 1 to include the newly created Employee ID.


  1. List Accounts

  2. List Applications

  3. Create Application

  4. Get Contact

  5. Create an Employee

  6. Integrations List

  7. Libraries & SDKs