StackOne registers relevant information of requests made to the connected provider to fulfill any Unified API requests it receives. This can be useful for:

  • Debugging issues with a particular account or integration
  • Auditing the operations that StackOne performs under the hood

The Request Logs page offers efficient find, filter, and analysis of API requests and HTTP status codes.

⏳ logs are only persisted up to 90 days after the original request occurred.

Troubleshooting via Request Logs

When you execute an API query and want to investigate an API response, that’s when the realization comes – logs review is inevitable.

The page shows all requests made to the Stackone and also allows you to see all requests that StackOne made to the underlying providers to fullfil the unified request. By default, it shows the logs in descending order per when the request occured.

The possible filtering options are:

FilterDescriptionExample values
AccountThe linked accounts’ origin_owner_name for the current project. You can also see & search within that filter for a specific provider in case multiple accounts have been linked for the same origin_owner_nameAcme Inc. Sample Organization
ProviderThe specific integration (aka Provider) associated with the requestWorkday``Ashby``Salesforce
ResourceThe type of resource (and optionally sub resource requested and the action done on the resource.List Employees``Create Candidates Note``Get Applications Offer
SourceThe source that originated the request - specifically the type of source allowing you to filter for requests made via the StackOne U.I. or an API keyAPI Request Dashboard UI Webhook
StatusThe response’s HTTP status code - refer to additional documentation here regarding the meaning behind the Unified API Error Codes200 201 400 404 502
MethodThe HTTP method used to make the requestpost``get``patch
Start/End date timeA date and time windowJan 01, 2023 01:01

New Features:

  1. You can now investigate each successful request in detail by clicking ➡️ for the respective request. This request is coming from StackOne directly to Provider’s API.
  2. It’s now possible to view the source of the request – Dashboard, Test Connection, or Other (Postman, API docs, etc).
  3. Since all filters are now grouped inside 1 search bar, you can easily remove multiple filters by clicking ❌ on the search bar’s hover-over.

Accessing the request logs page

After configuring Account integration and testing its connection, you can also access its specific request logs directly by clicking the View Logs option in the ellipsis menu.

You will be redirected to the logs page with a filter pre-applied in the search bar

Viewing Log Details

When you click on a log entry, a detailed view opens up with two tabs:

  1. Details: Shows the details of the unified API request made to StackOne, including request/response headers, body, query parameters, and status.

    Note: Log storage duration can be configured in the Advanced logs section of your project Settings.

  1. Underlying Requests: Displays all API calls made to the provider’s API to fulfill your unified request to enable better debugging.