
Custom Unified Fields

Custom Unified Fields enable users to create and unify bespoke fields to extend the existing Unified API models & resources.


Custom Unified Fields enables you to create bespoke fields that and implement them across any connector already supported on the StackOne platform.

This gives you greater flexibility and control over any unified API and integrations available on StackOne, allowing you to tailor each integration to meet your specific product needs.

➡️ Custom unified fields can only leverage data that is already returned by underlying integrations. You cannot fetch additional requests or use data not already present in the underlying provider requests that StackOne default unified operations perform under the hood.

➡️ Custom unified fields are, like any other unified fields, real-time by default meaning that the data returned by the StackOne unified API will reflect the latest values from the source fields.

🙋 Reach out to StackOne's support to get Custom Unified Fields enabled for your organization


Use-cases are broad and entirely dependant on the product and feature you're building and what type of integrations you're using, some example of custom unified fields may be:

  • A new emergency_contact_number to be retrieved when listing Employees (HRIS)
  • A multi_factor_authentication boolean` variable on IAM Users on top of the existing array (IAM)
  • Support for an LMS Content label surfacing label ant tag data from LMS systems that support it (LMS)


We'll refer throughout the guides and user interface to various properties

  • Custom Unified Field: A user-defined field that can be mapped and unified across various integrations by a Project Admin
  • Variable Key: The unique identifier for the custom field.
  • Display Name: The user-friendly name for the custom field.
  • Variable Type: The data type of the custom field (currently only primitive data types are supported).
  • Field Mapping: The process of linking a custom unified field to fields from different HR systems.

Creating and managing fields

Project admins can access the field mapping section by clicking on "Field Mapping" in the left-hand menu.:

To create the Custom Unified Field, you will need to specify the necessary details such as the Variable Key (which will be the actual property key in the returned JSON, an associated Type and a name & description to go with it (meant more for documentation and readability purposes as these latter two will not be returned in the request's response). All these details can be updated later via the edit button.


  • Data Types: Only primitive data types (string, number, boolean) are supported. Values will be typecasted when possible.
  • Operations: Initially, only read operations (List and Get) are supported. Write operations will be introduced in future updates.

Future capabilities of custom unified fields

Currently, Custom Unified Field mapping allows you to pull and use information that is already returned by the provider. Here's what we'll enable and add in future release

  • Ability to update and add underlying provider requests so you can leverage more data from the underlying tools
  • Creation of brand new operations and unified models
  • Operations, formulas and functions so you can create more complex, derived fields and values.
  • Account specific overrides so you can have different mapping per account and leverage tenant-based custom fields for specific field mappings when relevant


❓ Why can't I see the Field Mapping section in the side-menu?
➡️ The feature is only available to Project Admin and needs to first be enabled by StackOne (reach out to StackOne support for it to be enabled for your organization)

❓ Why can't I see the unified model I want to add custom unified for in the Field Mapping page?
➡️ Only pre-selected unified models have been enabled, if you would like to access another model available in our API but not visible in the custom unified fields section, reach out to our support team.

❓ How can I map a complex object like an array, enum or object?
➡️ This is currently not supported in the beta version but will come shortly with the global release of this feature.