Log in to Google Cloud Console

Log in to your Google Cloud Console at https://console.cloud.google.com

Create or Select a project

Create a new project or select an working project from projects list.

Configure Google OAuth


Navigate to OAuth consent screen

In the left navigation menu, click APIs & Services > OAuth consent screen


Configure Google Auth platform

Click on GET STARTED button in OAuth Overview page.


Enter App details

Enter the App name and User support email, then click on next button


Select Audience type

Select Audience type and click next button


Enter Contact information

Enter contact email address and click on next button


Finish the configuration process

Read the Google policies and click on Checkbox, then click on create button to finish.


Select Required Application Scopes

Click the Add or Remove Scopes button, and a popup window will appear on the right titled Update selected scopes.

Enable the following scope which is required for full functionality of this integration:

  • https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive

You can copy and paste the scope into the Filter bar to quickly locate them.

Once the scope have been enabled, click the Update button to proceed.

Generate OAuth2 Client Credentials


Navigate to OAuth Clients

In the left navigation menu, click Google Auth Platform > Clients


Create Client

Click on CREATE CLIENT button to create OAuth Client app


Enter Client App details

Select Web application from Application type dropdown, Enter the Client App name and redirect URL as https://api.stackone.com/connect/oauth2/googledrive/callback, then click on CREATE button


Copy Client Credentials

Select you Client App from the the displayed OAuth 2.0 Client IDs list. Copy and store Client ID and Client Secret to be used in later steps.

Enable the Google Drive API

Google requires manually enabling APIs for your account. The Google Drive API provides the underlying endpoints for this Documents connection.


Navigate to the API Library

In the left navigation menu, click APIs & Services > Library


Locate the Google Drive API

Using the search bar, enter a search for “Google Drive”. Click the Google Drive API result.


Enable the Google Drive API

Click the Enable button to enable the Google Drive API for your organization.

To Enable and Connect the Integration


Enable GoogleDrive

Navigate to the Documents category on the Integrations page and enable GoogleDrive.


Enter Credentials

Please complete the necessary fields in the GoogleDrive - Configuration model:

  • Authentication Type - Please select the OAuth2 - Google Drive Partner Credentials to integrate with the Google Drive Partner.
  • Client ID
  • Client Secret
  • Scopes - If you selected only the required scopes in the previous steps, leave the default value for this field. Otherwise, enter the space-separated list of scopes granted to your application.

Proceed by clicking the Save Changes button.


Connect to GoogleDrive

Click the Connect button to start the login process. You will be redirected to Google Drive.


Grant OAuth Application Consent

A window will appear and may prompt you to log in to your Google Drive account.

After logging in, you will be displayed the OAuth consent screen you configured.

Click the Allow button to grant the application access to your Google Drive account.