
Managing Projects


StackOne Projects allow you to isolate API keys and integrations based on your requirements.

For example, you can have:

  • a separate project for EU data storage and another one for US data storage
  • a separate project for your environments (e.g., dev, staging, production).

Creating a new project

In the left-side panel, click "New project" or directly open https://app.stackone.com/project/new and create a project in the desired region.

New project creation

The region will determine the route of API requests and the storage location of API secrets and Request Logs. This means you can keep in line with the data locality requirements of your customers (we can deploy our unified API in a new region in less than 1 week - contact us if you'd like us to add support for more data locations!)

Project settings

Once the project is created, you can modify it:
– update the project name
– add a new member with the required level of access – Viewer or Project Admin
– remove the project completely (irreversible)

Project settings demo



There are 2 Access Roles available:

  • Viewer πŸ‘Ά – can only review Dashboard, Accounts, and existing Integrations' configuration
  • Project Admin πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» – can configure Accounts, Integrations, API Keys, Webhooks, Project Settings, review Dashboard and Request Logs